Akun Google / Cara Masuk Daftar Buat Akun Google Gmail Baru

Akun Google & cara masuk daftar buat akun google gmail baru 2016 proses panduanya kembali akan saya sampaikan menginggat akan tingginya lonjakan pengguna akun google baru dan seiring dengan adanya pembaharuan dalam prosesi daftar akun google pada edisi april 2016 ini tentunya selain memang sudah menjadi ketentuan dari kebijakan google namun juga akan memberikan informasi terbaru soal bagaiman cara masuk akun google tersebut bagi anda sekalian. sebelum saya melanjutkan materi pembahasan seputar akun google ini terlebih dahulu saya akan menyampaika satu hal terkait dengan cara masuk akun google yang sepertinya penting untuk di ketahui.

Akun google adalah sebuah ID pribadi yang di dalamnya terdapat semua data milik kita yang telah di validasi oleh sistem vendor google sekaligus merupakan kunci guna mendapatkan hak akses penuh kedalam semua sistem yang di buat oleh  pemograman algoritma atau database server jaringan internet 

Dan akun google tersebut mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting khususnya pada dunia jaringan server internet serta banyak sekali fungsi juga kegunaan dari akun google tersebut seperti misalnya saja bisa di gunakan untuk menjalankan semua program yang terdapat pada sebuah perangkat seperti HP,windows dan lain sebagainya bahkan juga mendaftar ke berbagai jaringan media sosial seperti Daftar BBM,Facebook,Instagram,Line dan masih banyak lagi yang lain lainya.

Kapasitas akun google tersebut memiliki banyak pengertian sekaligus perbedaan dalam fungsi dan kegunaanya seperti apa kira-kira penjelasaanya..?

Dalam hal ini saya sendiri akan menjelaskan sedikit saja mengenai kapasitas sekaligus pungsinya dari akun google tersebut. Pertama akun google yang mungkin anda maksud sebagai alamat email gmail dan yang kedua akun google play store dan secara teknis dari kedua variant tersebut memang memiliki perbedaan dalam hal proses cara membuatnya,termasuk pungsinya. Namun pada umumnya mereka kebanyakan

A Buat akun gmail baru di google 

1  Silahkan anda klik untuk  menuju   >   Akun google

2  Klik  Buat akun

akun google

3  Selanjutnya isi semua kolom form yang di sediakan dengan data-data anda yang benar seperti :

Nama depan & Belakang  > masukan nama lengkap kalian

Nama pengguna  >  ketikan nama yang di inginkan jika tidak ada silahkan pilih salah satu nama yang di sarankan

4  Buat Sandi  >  Masukan kata sandi minimal 8 karakter/hurup

5  Konfirmasi sandi Anda   >   Masukan kembali kata sandi yang sama

6  Tanggal lahir   >  masukan data kelahiran kalian

7  Gender          >   Pilih sesuai dengan jenis kelamin kalian

8  No Ponsel     >  Masukan no hp yang masih aktif

9  Alamat email Anda saat ini   >  boleh di kosongkan saja

akun google

10  Buktikan bahwa anda bukan robot   >  masukan beberapa angka yang di berikan

11  Lokasi    >    Pilih Indonesia

12  Beri centang pada bagian Saya menyetujui persyaratan layanan dan kebijakan privasi goole

13  Klik Langkah selanjutnya

akun google
14 Klik Lanjutkan ke Gmail

akun google

15  Pada halaman perintah berikutnya anda hanya cukup klik Berikutnya sebanyak 4 kali untuk melanjutkan proses buat akun google kalian

akun google

16  Kemudian setelah itu kalian klik Buka Gmail

akun google

17  Dan anda akan di arahkan menuju halaman kotak pesan email artinya sampai tahap kalian sudah selesai dan berhasil membuat akun gmail baru di google tentu saja alamat email tersebut sudah bisa di gunakan untuk keperluan apapun. Tapi jika anda ingin keluar dari akun gmail tersebut cukup klik panel no 1 yang di beri kotak lalu klik no 2 untuk keluar

akun google

Demikianlah kawan-kawan panduan proses cara buat akun google yang bisa saya jelaskan mudah bukan...? semoga berguna serta membantu terimakasih atas kesempatan seklaigus waktunya sudah berkenan berkunjung ke http://www.caradaftarbuatakun.blogspot.com

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3 Tips for Amazing Marketing on YouTube

3 Tips for Amazing Marketing on YouTube

YouTube is the biggest platform for sharing video files, where over 3 billion views is created daily. In fact more than 35 hours of material is added to this social network every hour. However, despite these incredible facts, there are business people that haven't fully used all the advantages of video marketing. Most people love to learn more information about a certain service or a product by watching a video rather than reading a text. The single fact that video creates unique content helps their rankings on the search engines. Google Panda Update shows that websites that used video marketing, had higher positions than those using only text. There's a number of examples that prove this, but the botttom line is that the use of video and promotion trough social network marketing is a valuable option for your promotion. With this in mind, we bring you 3 tips for amazing marketing on YouTube.

Tip 1 - Q&A Video

What are the 10 most common questions about your business? Find out which questions are those, and then use YouTube for marketing and upload a video on your page. Maybe text is easier to create, but creating a video to provide answers is more powerful. This way, you will add extra value to your answers. Think of it as creating TV commercials that won't be shown on TV but instead will be shown on your website. If you have enough money you can hire professionals that will greatly facilitate and speed up the work.


Tip 2 - User Testimonial

We've alll seen testimonials such as: "This is the best product on the planet!" What do you think about this testimony? Try using YouTube for marketing to create much more convincing user testimonial of your products and services. Anyone can write one, but making a video file is very convincing and authentic.

Tip 3 - Demonstration of Products

If you want to sell a product, you can take advantage of YouTube to promote the product and give user experience to understand first hand how the product will help them. Simply reading about the product features in the form of sentences makes the product lose its luster. But when you watch a video that really shows the benefits and advantages of the product and how it's used properly is much better. Words speak but the video sells!

Using YouTube for marketing is amazing! People learn visually. Video provides the best explanation, demonstration and gives the best answers. By providing demonstrations and a virtual tour, sharing testimonials and answering questions, you create tremendous trust and credibility with your clients, even before you meet them!

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YouTube Marketing (Connecting and Growing With Other YouTubers)

YouTube Marketing (Connecting and Growing With Other YouTubers)

Most YouTubers find it very hard to get other creators to do collaborations with. Lucky for them, there are plenty of online conventions and sites that promote these types of collaborations. YouTube alliance or collaboration is any collaborative attempt made by two (or sometimes more than two) YouTubers to boost and increase their audience by engaging together. Whenever you want to work together with another YouTuber on a video, you need to ensure that their work is very identical to yours. If one YouTuber has a sports channel, and the other has a music covers channel, you are going to experience difficulty finding common ground. Preferably, try to find a partner who makes videos that are suitable to the needs of your audience.

Always remember to state your intentions from the beginning. Being partners, you both need to set targets, meet deadlines and finish the needed tasks. If the YouTube collaboration has to work out, you are going to require partner who will meet you halfway on every project. It is not collaboration if one partner ends up doing 95% of the entire project. Let us take a look at How to Connect with Other YouTubers and Grow Together;

Collaboration Video

You can try to create a video. You can both upload bits of the video to your independent sites or channels and also provide the link to each other in the video definition. It is significant to encourage your audience to look at the other partner’s channel. This can be achieved by simply having a call to action at the terminus of every video

Making Surprise Guest Appearances

You can also appear in one another’s YouTube vlogs. Either one of you can interview the other about your work, how you contribute to the YouTube society, generally any topic that is relevant to your audience. Furthermore you can exchange guest appearances. This will boost and improve both of your YouTube channels.

Guest Vlogs

This option mostly works when it is hard to meet or get together to create a collaboration video. However, this is made easier by use of Google Hangouts. It enables partners to do round tables and even guest appearances even though it is still not the same as making the video together. Another substitute could be making your own videos then swapping them and uploading on each other’s channel. If the topics are similar and significant then definitely this will work. You should also try to popularize and call to attention your guest appearance in your prior videos before you upload it.

Conclusively, if you have established a great potential partner and you still haven’t initiated any contact with them, you can try to connect using emails, blogs or social media. When you determine the suitable collaboration partner, you can boost your audience and subscriber total.

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How Social Media Can Help You to Grow Your Brand

How Social Media Can Help You to Grow Your Brand


Social media is quite popular nowadays, especially among the youth. In fact, a lot of people today are seeking solutions to their problems on the Internet, particularly on these social media websites. The popular ones include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, among others.

Keep in mind that social media websites are the best way to promote your business or brand. This is because you can find huge audience on these platforms. These sites can help in many ways to grow your brand, although you have to apply certain strategies, such as creating an engaging Facebook page in order to connect to the audience. Outlined below are some of the ways social media can help you promote or grow your brand.

1. Wide Range of Audience

On social media websites, you can find millions of people from every corner of the world. These websites help you connect with your clients in a very easy way. With the help of your official page, you can reach to maximum audience by regularly updating your business status, hence growing your brand. Whenever you update your brand status, your audience will know what is new in the market and start creating interest on the same.

2. Connect with New or Potential Customers

Using social media you are likely to get potential clients. Remember you need not only to depend on the existing customers, but you need new ones. So, if you use social media as a marketing tool, you are likely to get new customers for your brand.

3. Keeping an Eye on Competitors

Through social media, you can very easily keep a sharp eye on your competitors. This is because they are also going to advertise on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. That way, you are going to monitor their moves, so you can implement new marketing strategies they do not know. Whenever they try to copy your new strategy, they definitely make mistakes and therefore you remain unique on that line of business.

4. Cost Efficient Way

Social media is an effective yet inexpensive way to promote your brand. This is true because you can create accounts on social media free of charge. In fact, you will not be charged anything by the websites to market your business.

5. Better SEO

Through search engine optimization, you can greatly promote your brand. Social media is another good way of SEO. Through regular posts and tweets, you can improve SEO for your business. This helps in navigating your site and business in major search engines such as, Google, Yahoo, and many others.


Social media can really help your brand grow enormously. Remember nowadays people are not only surfing using computers, but also using mobile devices such as phones and tablets. If you utilize these free websites pretty well to market your business, your brand will definitely gain quick recognition. Whilst social media isn't a magic trick to generating huge amounts of traffic, it is a great way to instantly tap into your target customers. Almost every niche of person is using social media now, so it can be a great way to beat out your competition and secure customers that they have not addressed yet.

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5 Methods for Getting More Views on Youtube

5 Methods for Getting More Views on Youtube

Youtube has an excellent potential for creating awareness about a brand, goods or services that a person offers. The challenge, however, is that there are thousands of videos existing on the platform and users keep on uploading more videos by the minute. Each of these users hopes to get views. So how does one ensure his or her video is visible and attracting views or traffic? The following are 5 Methods for Getting More Views on Youtube.

Conduct research for your video channel

The secret to attracting plenty of views to your video is first understanding the viewers. Doing so requires research to determine the purpose of the video, the target audience, the content value the audience seeks, and where besides YouTube is the audience found. Armed with this information, you can brand your videos in a way that it appeals to the targeted masses. A relatively easy method of researching is by analyzing Youtube videos with the most views or shares.

Create quality and timeless videos

When it comes to the web content is king. People see the videos because they hope to get value in the form of knowledge, entertainment or nourishment. For this reason, the content should be valuable, of good audio and video quality, non-discriminatory, and one that cuts across religion, race and gender. It is amazing how many YouTubers upload videos that fail to meet such standards and wonder why their videos are not attracting views. Remember the easiest way to get more views is when the video goes viral, and every one is sharing or tagging their friends. No one wants to share poor quality and boring videos.

Write engaging and detailed video descriptions

When you upload a video on Youtube, neither Google nor Youtube can watch or even listen to it. Instead, they rely on the text a person used to describe the video to understand and even rank the video. Since Google uses the words in the video description to list it, it is only prudent for a person to provide a detailed description. After all, if you took your time to make the video and upload it, spending a few minutes writing its story won’t hurt. Besides, with a better ranking, you get more views.

Optimize on video Keywords

Although it pays to have a good YouTube ranking, it is more rewarding if the classification extends to Google and search engine searches. It is obvious that many websites’ traffic comes from search engines like Google, which create page rankings depend mainly on the keywords used. Therefore, if you want more traffic to your video, consider using appropriate video keywords that will give your video an edge in the search engine results page. An easy way of identifying the video keywords is to discover the keywords used by other YouTube videos appearing on the first pages of the search engine, and then use those words in your video description.

Capitalize on social media platforms

Social Media platforms are useful tools for getting the message out to the masses. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora, Whatapps, Instagram, Pinterest and many others are worth utilizing. Post links to your video on those platforms and even proactively ask the online community to view, like, comment and even share with their friends and relatives. However be careful not to spam the social media accounts of other users. A novel idea is joining communities and forums dealing with issues your video addresses. To a member’s question offer valuable answers and post the link to your Youtube video that provides detailed information.

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5 Methods for Earning Money from Youtube

5 Methods for Earning Money from YouTube

You have probably heard stories about people making money from YouTube and wondered how you can do it. At the start it may sound unrealistic, but after you give it a try, you will be surprised by the result. The following are the best-proven methods for earning money from YouTube.

Monetize your videos with the YouTube partner program

After you have created several videos of whatever length, join the YouTube Partner Program. This means that you will be allowing YouTube to place ads to your videos. By so doing, you will acknowledge that there are no copyrighted materials in your video. The process takes just a minute to set up, and YouTube will select ads to be shown on all your video and then you can start earning a portion of the revenue.

Make videos, any videos.

You have to realize that, by just setting the monetization up, money will not start flowing quickly. You will have to make as many videos as possible. The better side of it is that it can be any video. Make one minute video that has some humor in it, talking about anything, and upload it. With time, you will start receiving revenue from the videos.

Set annotations to link to iTunes

Once your account is monetized, you can enable annotations that will provide links to Google Play, iTunes, and other websites. You can achieve this by just enabling the annotations and adding one to your video. This will instantly create traffic to sell your videos as they will have a greater target of viewers.

Make tutorials to teach your knowledge.

As you will realize, tutorials are very many on YouTube. From anything you know, you can create videos about it, teach others how to do it, and make money from the videos. You can decide to make fashion videos where you post videos that contain the latest trend, create lectures teaching your accounting or drawing skills, as well as videos containing a new dancing style that you gained.

Sell other people’s products as an affiliate marketer.

You can easily make a commission by selling other people’s product as an affiliate marketer. Thousands of companies give attractive deals to affiliate marketers who are willing to market their products. Big companies like eBay and Amazon can pay you a good amount of money if you market their products through your YouTube account. Your YouTube account can also be linked with other affiliate networks like Commission Junction, ShareAsale.com, and Click Bank.

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3 Ways to Market your Youtube Channel

A Closer Look At 3 Ways To Market Your Youtube Channel

Promoting your YouTube channel is not an easy task and requires a lot of dedication and knowledge. YouTube is currently the world's second popular search engine. You can market your channel using various platforms like twitter and facebook.

The current market is very saturated and marketing your YouTube channel is not as easy as before. However, these three steps will help you promote your YouTube channel fast. Below are 3 Ways to Market your Youtube Channel.

1. Always Submit To Crowd Sourcing Sites

You are likely to get many hits once you decide to use crowd sourcing sites to promote your work. These sites include Reddit and StumbleUpon .

Once you submit your content to these sites, it is worth noting that you are more likely to get more hits if you give your content an amazing title. Make sure that you research on ways to get exposure in these sites to ensure that you yield positive results.

Crowd sourcing sites will give you exposure and ensure that your YouTube channel gets more subscribers.

2. Ensure That You Always Target The Right Keywords

It takes approximately one hour for you to come up with the best keyword. Getting the right keyword requires you to do extensive research so that you can get a keyword with a high search rate.

So the real question is how to get the best keyword. Below are sources that will help you get the best keyword for your content.

- The Google Keyword Tool is a tool that is quite popular and serves to reduce your workload. When you use this tool, it is advisable that you pick a keyword with low competitive scores and high search rate.

- The YouTube Keyword Tool is another tool that is quite good when it comes to getting the right keyword. This tool not only helps you get exposure but also helps you save a lot of time. You also get to save a lot of space by using this amazing tool.

3. You Can Also Create Social Media Share Buttons To Help You Promote Your Channel

You can use two platforms to help you promote your YouTube channel. You can generate a link and use twitter to expose your work to your audience.

You can also use facebook to promote your channel. All you have to do is generate a link and post it to your audience.

Facebook and Twitter are two platforms which will give your work great exposure and in the process get you very many hits. It is very important to ensure that these buttons are on the first line of the description box to ensure that your viewers always see them.


These three ways will help you boost your presence in YouTube and in the process promote your YouTube channel.

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3 Steps to Using Youtube to Drive Traffic to your Site

3 Steps to Using YouTube to Drive Traffic to your site

Small companies have found out, rather painfully, that commercial websites are useless without traffic. Your website may be the most glamorous around, but if people can’t find it, it won’t help you make profit or create publicity for your brand. YouTube is one of the most powerful platforms that that you can use to get people checking out your website. And there is a reason why: it accounts for more than 12% of all internet searches by itself! Now that’s phenomenal. So how can you maximize its potential? Here are 3 steps to using YouTube to drive traffic to your site.

Step 1: Be precise in communicating what you do

Sounds obvious, right? However many people forget to do this, and therefore YouTube watchers will not have a clear idea of what you are selling. A rule of thumb is to have a concise and compelling call to action (CTA) message at the end of your video. Make sure that the viewer is informed of how to reach your website. In your CTA, thank the viewers, and urge them to head over to your site for more related content.

Step 2: Describe your videos

Anytime you upload a video on YouTube, you are presented with an opportunity to describe your content. This is absolutely important, but many internet marketers never take advantage of this feature. You can turn that video description box into a potent traffic-getting machine by inserting a call to action followed by your website URL. You can go on to add another paragraph of text describing the content of your video, followed by your website URL (again) at the end.

Step 3: Create a call to action overlay

The CTA overlay is some sort of a banner that is positioned near the lower part of the video. This persistent message is always on the face of the viewer, hence it gets to stick on their minds. Many people do not know of this feature or its potential to capture and redirect vital traffic to their websites. It takes only a few moments to set it up so go ahead and use it when you upload your videos.


Using these three tips will do wonders for you. Remember to always make sure your videos are of a good quality and that the content is catchy and interesting. This way the viewers will be hooked from start to finish.

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3 SEO Tips for Youtube Videos

3 SEO Tips for YouTube Videos

YouTube is today the world’s second biggest search engine. It has a huge untapped traffic source. It boasts of over a whopping 30 million visitors each day. Below are three simple, yet very effective strategies on how to optimize your YouTube videos for Google and YouTube rankings.

Find Video Keywords

Just like anything that has to do with SEO, you need to do keyword research. The goal here is to find the keywords whose results feature on Google’s first page. These ones are called video keywords. Optimizing your video for keywords that do not have any video results in Google will mean that you will only get traffic from people who will be searching on YouTube. Conversely, if you correctly optimize for video keywords, then you will get targeted traffic coming to your video directly from the first page of Google.

The best way to find the much-needed video keywords is to conduct a search for keywords specifically in your niche. After finding the keywords, use Google’s Keyword Planner to find out whether the keyword has enough search volume every month. The threshold that the search volume of any specific video keyword should meet to qualify as enough is usually three hundred searches every month. If a keyword gets at least three hundred searches per month, then that means it gets decent amount of searches in YouTube itself.

High Quality Videos

The most useful YouTube ranking signal is user engagement. No matter how much you try to optimize your video for search engines, if it is a poor quality video, then it will not rank. YouTube judges your video usually based on how YouTube users interact with it. And how does YouTube know this?

There is a range of metrics that YouTube uses to determine if your video is of high quality or of low quality. For example, it considers video retention, comments, people who subscribe after watching, how many people share your videos across social media sites, how many people favorite your video, and how people use the thumbs up and thumbs down feature. You can agree that these things will reveal a lot about the quality of your video. Therefore, produce high quality videos that will enamor users to your videos, and your users will thank you in kind.


The YouTube video description is very important. Google and YouTube usually rely on the text description of your video to determine the video’s content in order to rank it. You should describe your video mindful of the following:

--Put your link at the topmost area of the video.

--The description should be at least 250 words.

--The first twenty five words of the description should contain the keyword.

--Include the keyword 3-4 times in the description.

Equally important are tags, video title, and video filename. Use them with SEO in mind.

If you do these things well, you will see an exponential growth in the numbers of your audience as you will rank well both in Google and in YouTube itself.

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3 Big Benefits of Using Youtube for Your Business

3 Big Benefits of Using Youtube for Your Business

YouTube processes over 3 Billion searches in a month which makes it the second largest search engine and the 3 rd most visited website worldwide after Google and Facebook. Over one billion people visit YouTube each and every month which is why anyone in business should consider including it in their marketing strategies or campaign. While there are wide ranges benefits that come about when marketing through YouTube, there are 3 Big Benefits of Using YouTube for Your Business.

It helps increase your rank in Google’s search engines

YouTube videos include a link to the business website in its description. One of the greatest features of YouTube video is, when someone is viewing, there are many chances they will visit the main site if the video impresses them. This ultimately leads to higher ranks on Google search engines and the good thing about it, is that it’s not costly. You can upload many videos as you want, for absolutely no cost and there is no need to make a professional advert. All you need to use is a handheld camera and the editing tools available through YouTube.

It gives you a chance to grow your Audience worldwide.

Your YouTube video has the potential to be seen by millions of people around the world. One characteristic of a video is that you can be able to capture an attention in a few second a visitor clicks on them especially if it’s engaging and entertaining. So, when compared to written content, you are more likely to get a higher percentage of an audience and more click through rates (CTR). The brilliant combination of video sharing features with YouTube also create an opportunity for audience engagement which means your audience promotes you while they still buy from you which improves your business or brand exposure.

It allows you to build your own email List

If you want to create an enormous number of email subscribers for your business, you can use YouTube for absolutely no cost. There is a free software that allows you to embed a sign in directly into the YouTube video. A video can be temporarily stopped until they enter their email, which builds your email list in a matchless way. Many at times, business owners feel that there are fewer chances of email subscription, but statistics shows that if someone watches at least 2 to 4 your YouTube channels there are more likely to subscribe, which is far much better as compared to any subscription you can get from your site.

As you can see, YouTube is no doubt a viable platform that can help grow your business in an unimaginable way. If you invest some of your time to learn the main features and components of this platform, it will for sure show itself to be a worthwhile addition to your business.

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How to get More Shares on Your Youtube videos

How To Get More Shares On Your YouTube Videos

If you are of those people that you have already tried a lot of things in order to boost your YouTube views, but you don't really gained the shares you wanted, read the following great ideas on how to get more shares on your YouTube videos.

Gain more Subscribers

The best way to get more shares on your YouTube videos is to have more subscriebers. When someone subscribes to you, all of your new uploads will show up on their home page and they may even subscibe in order to be notified by email when you come up with something new. But how do you get new subscribers? Of course you need upload amazing content on a regular basis. But apart from that a good idea is to ask them through your videos to subscribe. This is because a lot of viewers don't think about subscribing to anyone at all, but if an annotation just comes up on their screen reminding them to do so, they will be more likely to click through to subscribe to your future videos.

Use bulletins

YouTube bulleltins were introduced about 2 years ago and it's one of the best ways for you to use in order to make more people share your contents. More specifically, as you build up your subscriber base, it's crucial to be able to communicate with your followers; you can do this through bulletins, by sending out videos as well as text to all your subscribers and the bulletins automatically appear on the homepage of your subscribers. So, keep sending out bulletins, in order to let your followers know that you uploaded new content.

Get video responses

Another very effective way by which you can get more shares on your YouTube videos is by posting them as video responses on more popular related videos. You can do this very easily and this can actually get you more clicks and shares, if you post it to the right video. For example, first you need to go to the video you would like to post your own response. Next to the comment box you have to click on 'Create a video response' and you'll directed to a page that lists all your videos and you'll just have to click on the one you want.

Insert keywords

The best way for people to find you is through keywords. Keep in mind also that YouTube is the No.2 search engine in the world, behind Google. For example, you can insert keywords into your video title when they are relevant. You can choose a descriptive title, that will help people to immediately understand what your video is all about. This way you'll be able to generate easier more traffic to your YouTube uploads.

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Cara Backup Data / Backup Kontak BBM Di Hp Samsung Android

Cara backup data semua dokumen yang terdapat di dalam sistem android dengan menggunkan aplikasi kecil yang namanya smart switch prosesnya sangat mudah dan jauh lebih cepat bahkan data apapun yang kita simpan alias backup ke direktori penyimpanan komputer dapat di proses sempurna oeh smart switch tersebut. Dan saya sendiri sudah sering kali menggunkaan teknik ini karena hasilnyapun cukup bagus dan sesuai harapan.

Salah satu yang paling penting untuk di backup misalnya kontak hp juga backup kontak bbm  serta file gambar musik video dan lain-lainya. Oleh karena itu melalui sebuah postingan ini saya akan membagikan tips seputar bagaimana cara backup data hp android ke komputer atau laptop yang mana kegiatan semacam ini saat ini sangat banyak orang yang membutuhkanya termasuk saya sendiri. Mengapa kita sangat penting melakukan tindakan ini..? tentu saja karena beberapa hal dan utamanya yaitu guna menyelamatkan semua data yang tersimpan dalam memory internal android ataupun yang ada di dalam memoyi external alias sd card.

Artinya jika kita sudah membackup data dan di simpan di komputer maka pastinya kita sudah tidak khawatir lagu untuk terjadinya kehilangan data tersebut sekalipun hp android milik kita mengalami error atau mati total sistem androidnya bahkan mungkin bisa saja hilang atau di curi orang. Sehingga ketika suatu saat anda membeli kembali perangkat android hanya cukup menestore alias mengembalikan lagi data yang sebelumnya di backup di dalam laptop ke dalam android yang baru 

Dalam metode backup data android itu sendiri ada beberapa yehnis atau cara sepert yang telah saya sampaikan juga pada artikel sebelumnya yaitu backup data android menggunakan aplikasi samsung kies yang walaupun terkadang metode ini agak sedikit susah 

Baiklah  kawan-kawan saya langsung saja pada pokok materinya berikut di bawah ini :

Cara Backup Data / Backup Kontak BBM

cara backup data

1  Silahkan anda download aplikasi smart switch di situs resminya atau klik  Cara Backup Data

2  Setelah berhasil di download jang lupa langsung saja anda instal 

3  Kemudian apabila telah berhasil di instal silahkan jalankan aplikasi smart switch tersebut

4  Sambunkan perangkat HP android anda dengan menggunakan kabel data yang asli atau bawaannya

5  Pada proses singkronisasi USB usahakan device hp di setting pada bagian USB Debunging

6  Langkah selanjutnya setelah ponsel anda sudah sukses menyambung dengan laptop dan biasanya akan terlihat jenis model hp samsung milik anda seperti contoh gambar di bawah ini

cara backup data

7   Pada halaman perintah terdapat tiga opsih dan anda hanya Klik Backup

8  Di perintah berikunya anda Klik Backup kembali

cara backup data

9  Kemudia tunggu proses menyimpan semua data sampai selesai biasanya membutuhkan beberapa menit tergantung seberapa banyak file yang ada di dalam hp samsung android anda

cara backup data

10  Dan apabila semua proses backup sudah selesai anda cukup klik OK dengan demikian semua data tersebut sudah menjadi ganda alias dobel

cara backup data

Hmmmm mudah bukan...? Dan begitu pula sebaliknya kawan jika tadi anda telah melakukan backup namun selanjutnya anda juga tentunya harus mengembalikan data itu tadi. Untuk prosesnya juga sama saja hanya bedanya bila sebelumnya klik backup tapi kalau anda ingin mengembalikan berarti klik Restore dan ikuti semua perintah yang di sarankan.

Semoga artikel tentang cara backup data / backup kontak bbm ini bisa membantu dan bermanfaat serta saya ucapkan banyak terimakasih atas kunjungan anda semua.

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